Aleksandr Kostyliev

Oleksandr Kostyliev (Ukrainian: Олександр Олегович Костилєв; born 2 October 1997), better known as s1mple, is a Ukrainian professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player for Natus Vincere.He is considered to be one of the best players in Global Offensive history. Oleksandr Kostyliev — Natus Vincere player, who as part of the “yellow-blacks,”Read More /Lue lisää→

Bawonchai “D2E” Han

Bawonchi Han, better known by his gaming alias RRQ D2E, is a professional PUBG Mobile player from Thailand. The 24-year-old is a part of the famous Thailand team, RRQ Athena, which is one of the most highly-ranked PUBG teams in the world. He has represented RRQ Athena in various nationalRead More /Lue lisää→

Cho “Maru” Sung Choo

Cho “Maru” Sung Choo is a professional StarCraft II player. He entered the pro scene as a teenager, and was regarded as a top terran player as early as 2012. Maru claimed all three Global StarCraft League (GSL) championships in 2018 Cho “Maru” Seong Ju is a Terran player fromRead More /Lue lisää→

Feng “Suk” Shujie

Feng “Suk” Shujie (born October 19, 1998) is a Chinese player who currently plays for Four Angry Men (Mobile).Suk from PUBG Mobile team Four Angry Men topped the kills chart at the PMGC 2020, with 149 frags. He was also awarded the League Terminator title. Four Angry Men had aRead More /Lue lisää→

Jani Jussila

Jani “Aerial” Jussila (born June 11, 1993) is a Finnish professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player who currently plays for HAVU Gaming. Jani “Aerial” Jussila on suomalainen e-urheilun ammattilainen. Jussila pelaa Counter Strike:Global Offensive-peliä suomalaisessa HAVU Gamingissä. Aiemmin ammattilaisurallaan Jussila on pelannut myös ENCEssä, vuosina 2018-2020. Jussila ehti opiskella 2,5 vuottaRead More /Lue lisää→

Johan Sundstein

Johan was one of the youngest competitive Heroes of Newerth players in the world, where he played the solo mid role. After the switch to Dota 2, Johan took on the support role, becoming well known for his performances as Chen and Wisp. It was during this transition he quicklyRead More /Lue lisää→

Joona “Serral” Sotala

Joona “Serral” Sotala is a Zerg player from Finland who is currently playing for Ence eSports. Although Serral has kept a relatively low profile, he has had some appearances in major tournaments. Serral participated Copenhagen Games Spring 2012 in April, 2012. He was in the same group with StarNaN, JoeRead More /Lue lisää→

Jord “ibiza” van Geldere

Jord “ibiza” van Geldere (born August 24, 1996) is a Dutch player who currently plays for Team Liquid. He regularly plays and is a competitive PUBG streamer on Twitch. He is part of Team Liquid although he was also a member of Team Kinguin from June 2017 to January 2018.Read More /Lue lisää→

Lee Sang-hyeok

Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok was pulled out of solo queue by the SK Telecom organization so that a team could be formed around him in the mid lane. Ultimately they settled on Impact, bengi, Piglet, and PoohManDu to surround him and the team was unveiled in February of 2013, dubbed SKRead More /Lue lisää→

Mathieu Herbaut

Mathieu “ZywOo” Herbaut (born November 9, 2000) is a French professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player who currently plays for Team Vitality as an AWPer. He is widely considered as one of the best CS:GO players in the world ever since his breakthrough in late 2018. Mathieu “ZywOo” Herbaut on ranskalainenRead More /Lue lisää→